Vaginal Infections

What is Vaginitis?

Vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina typically caused by an infection. The symptoms can include itching, vaginal discharge, vaginal irritation, vaginal odor, and pain during intercorse. The three most common bugs that cause vaginitis are candida, trichomonas, and bacterial vaginosis.

Candidal Vaginitis “Yeast Infections”

This type of infection is characterized by a thick white vaginal discharge and the hallmark vaginal itching. A feeling of vaginal irritation is another common symptom. Of the three common forms of vaginitis, this is the most common and easiest to treat. Treatment options include:

  • Monistat (Miconazole): This is an easy over the counter option that may save you a trip to the clinic.
  • Diflucan (Fluconazole): This pill taken once can cure a yeast infection.
vaginal infection

Bacterial Vaginosis "BV"

As the name implies, this infection stems from a bacteria. The characteristic symptom of this infection is an odor that is often described as fish like. It can also present with a greyish white vaginal discharge as well as vaginal pain or irritation. If this infection is suspected, your clinician will likely prescribe Flagyl (metronidazole) to take by mouth twice daily for a week or metrogel to apply to the affected area.


This is the one cause of vaginal infection that is a parasite. Although there is no unique symptom, it can cause the general symptoms of vaginal irritation or pain that is worse during sex, or a vaginal discharge that is not clear.

How are Vaginal Infections Diagnosed?

Often, these infections can be diagnosed by having any one of the unique symptoms like itching with a thick white discharge or the characteristic odor of BV. If the diagnosis is unclear or previous treatments have not worked, your clinician may recommend a pelvic exam and do a vaginal swab to send to the lab for testing.

Pinnacle Urgent Care: Make An Appointment

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or call (336) 565-5001

OPEN: Mon-Fri, 8a-8p / Sat-Sun: 8a-5p

OPEN: Mon-Fri, 8a-8p / Sat-Sun: 8a-5p

Pinnacle Urgent Care

1201 Cotton Grove Road
Lexington, NC 27292

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Urgent Care Services

Asthma, COPD, bronchitis & pneumonia

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Eye irritations (scratches & Pink Eye)

Fever tests

Food poisoning/ stomach bugs

Hives, rashes, & poison ivy

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